Find out what Lead Time is. Get to know the concept and learn how to optimize it to increase the efficiency of your business. Most companies appropriate methodologies to stand out in a market that is increasingly competitive. If you follow our content, you must have already read about some methods, such as Lean Manufacturing, Kanban […]
You are certainly familiar with the term Industry 4.0, but have you heard about the enabling technologies? When we talk about Industry 4.0, we involuntarily think of digital technologies, which are the protagonists of this revolution. Therefore, in this article we will explore the following topics: what are enabling technologies and what role do they play in […]
Combating the production bottleneck is essential to avoid waste and losses. Understand what to do to minimize it. A production bottleneck is the most overloaded resource, machine, equipment or work center in an industry or responsible for the slowest step in the production process. To increase the productive capacity of your industry is […]
You have certainly heard about Lean Manufacturing, lean manufacturing or the Toyota production system. All these names refer to the same concept. This concept is aimed at efficiency, waste reduction and customer value. Currently, lean production techniques are among the best operations management practices applied in production systems, […]
Find out how quality control helps to maintain the safety of your production, protect the company's good image and build customer loyalty. Ensuring quality products for your customers is essential to maintain the good image of the company and consumer loyalty. When the consumer buys a product, he trusts that it […]
Failing to invest in quality management is a recipe for losing customers. Find out how this concept can boost your business. Around 84% of Brazilian consumers rely on the quality of a product to build brand loyalty. Failing to invest in quality is a recipe for losing customers. The product must meet the […]
Understand how moving towards Industry 5.0 can leverage your company. Understand the concept, its impacts and innovations. Industry 5.0 is about adding the human touch to the innovations, automation and efficiency that Industry 4.0 has brought to us. It is not just about technology, but about the work together between robots and […]
Discover how quality management can drive excellence and customer satisfaction in your business. Quality: This is probably the most noticed feature in a product or service and that's why it's so important. Even so, not all companies value Quality Management in their […]
It is a fact that Sustainability and concerns about the impacts of human actions on nature are and must be the main focus of public and political discussions in the coming years. And it is not possible to close your eyes to reality: The Industrial Sector is one of the most damaging to the environment, and […]
Industrial Maintenance, different from what one might think, is not just about repairing and changing equipment or parts that have presented problems. In fact, this type of reactive positioning, where maintenance only happens after a defect, is the least recommended. Since it is the one that can yield the most […]
Surely, you may have already come across the term IoT, an abbreviation of “Internet of Things” in English. This is a technology that emerged with the aim of connecting everything through networks, integrating devices, objects, machines and much more. Perhaps you are not aware, but in Brazil, the concept of 'Internet […]