textile products

Manufacture of clothing, articles and textile artifacts.

The textile sector and industry 4.0

The textile industry is one of those that has developed the most over the years, transforming fibers into yarns, yarns into fabrics and fabrics into garments, textiles for home and domestic use or articles for technical applications. Its advances have been marked since seamstresses and tailors until modern production lines, and with so much growth, the biggest ally of this sector is industry 4.0.

Challenges in the textile industry

With high demands and the quest for quality and cost-effectiveness on the part of customers, streamlining production is one of the main challenges in the textile industry, therefore, implementing new technologies and automating processes is a need in this sector.

Ideal innovations for this sector

Automatic collection of data from production processes and information gathered in one place, enabling clear management, are just some of the benefits that Industry 4.0 brings to this sector.

Digital solution for your production process

Get OEE and production control functions to know all your machinery processes. Have control of all information about raw materials and solve all your problems with production time through Manufacturing 360. Be part of Industry 4.0 and optimize each stage of your production process with data collection, connected production lines and control remote!

Have complete management, from sequencing tasks and organizing the order of services to reports and quality analysis. Prevent product failures and reduce production costs with product features and quality analysis. Ensure better processes to have better products and count on scrap control and other features you need. Get Manufacturing 360!

Check out what our customers have to say

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Manufatura 360

BMS Integração