
Construction of all kinds, renovations and maintenance.

The development of the construction industry

The construction industry is composed of the execution of various works, from the construction of buildings and houses and industrial buildings to demolition, repairs, painting and cleaning activities. Very active and present today, this sector has been developing and transforming itself, along with the development of society and new technologies.

Construction industry challenges

With the increase in the market, there is also a need for qualified labor. With a shortage of trained employees, the main challenges in this sector are the retention and allocation of qualified labor.

The technology applied to construction

Challenges like this can stagnate the sector that is currently on the rise, and the solution to prevent this from happening is achieved with the help of software with solutions for lack of manpower, human error and auditing problems, such as BMS Integration .

Innovate the maintenance sector with BMS Integration

Purchase a system that eliminates labor risks and all provider issues. Have automatic control of documentation with preventive notification to the provider for document updates, communication through the platform and online integration option. With solutions for retaining and allocating manpower, BMS Integration is the ideal platform for your company.

Have full automation, unification of communication channels, cloud operation and standardization between units. Manage the face-to-face integration space and have the option of immediately blocking the provider in case of misconduct; define access levels and have traceability in case of audit with BMS Integration!

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Production manager

Security Manager

Human resources manager


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industries in general




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over 4 months

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Manufatura 360

BMS Integração