
Document Management: what it is and how technology can help you


Some steps are essential to ensure the proper functioning of a business, and document management is certainly one of them.  

Imagine that your company randomly receives a request to prove something using documents that you no longer remember. Would you know how to find them?  

But calm down, all is not lost! It's easy to make sure this scenario doesn't come true. All you need to do is invest in Document Management! 

In this article we will show you what document management is and why it is essential. Furthermore, we will show you how technology can help you ensure that everything is in order.  

What is Document Management?  

Document Management is the set of processes aimed at the intelligent and practical identification, organization and storage of documents. This practice consists of providing any stored information quickly and effectively.  

Managing documents means optimizing the search for data, making it more organized and secure.  

Document management can be both physical and digital, depending on the nature of the document. We will explore this point throughout the article.  

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Physical or scanned documents?  

Despite the fame and effectiveness of scanning as an excellent alternative for storing files, even after this process, some documents in physical format still need to be preserved.

The Temporality Table allows you to identify which documents should be preserved in their physical form and determines how long they should be kept.

Regarding these documents, depending on the volume of the company, a drawer or a cabinet may be enough to store the files. If the company has a large volume of documents, a file room is an ideal environment.  

Organizing them alphabetically, chronologically, by importance or by subject are some means of establishing efficient standardization.  

Regarding those digitized documents, the principles of the organization follow the same.  

By digitizing the documents, a more precise and specific standardization is possible. However, this process must be done professionally, if possible by a qualified team, with specific devices and tools that guarantee the quality of these documents.  

Scanned documents can be stored in folders, with standardized names, making searching easier. They also make it easier to search and cross-check data and reduce costs.  

Document management electronically guarantees many benefits, such as process optimization, mobility in access and greater efficiency. It becomes even more efficient when the company has as a tool a software that has mechanisms aimed at the document management.   

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What is the importance of Document Management? 

Document management is a complex process. It analyzes documents taking into account their nature, importance, date and another set of characteristics, aiming to classify and organize them so that the most accessed ones are easily located and that those who need more security are adequately protected. 

Document management is important because, regardless of the segment or nature of your business, it certainly has activities that need to handle documents, whether they are electricity bills, employee labor records or spreadsheets of an administrative nature.  

In operational terms, the document management optimizes the way of documenting, making it safer and faster by establishing standardization and accessibility. When done correctly, its management is capable of reducing failures and improving productivity.  

Benefits of Document Management 

It is already clear that the document management it is essential to improve performance and streamline your company's processes, but beyond that, what benefits does it bring?  

Let's see some:  

Company's image 

If we consider that both the issuance and archiving of documents become more efficient, the documental demands of the clients start to be met more quickly. Therefore, it is possible to achieve customer satisfaction, improving the company's image.  


By integrating the documents, the company can carry out a more precise control of the processes, through the optimization of the information that circulates in the corporation.  

Cost reduction 

Document management offers control over acts such as: how many copies of the same document are required, how long a document needs to be kept, which documents can be discarded and the like.  

Through this information, it is possible to reduce costs in areas such as: printing, file maintenance, the environment in which documents are filed and employees' working time. 

With the help of software specialized in document management, it is possible to acquire even greater control over the processes, generating an even greater cost reduction.  


Wasting time is losing money. The objective of quality management is to organize documents so that those that need to be accessed frequently are in an easily accessible environment.

That is, through standardization and organization according to nature and need, access to the necessary information becomes much more agile, and when management is done electronically, this agility becomes even greater.  


While frequent documents are kept in easily accessible environments, those that are of significant importance have special security, being stored in protected places. Physical documents can be archived in safes and digital documents protected by passwords and encryption systems. 

Legal security guarantee 

Documents are the guarantee that the company is within the law. Document management not only stores documents that can be legally requested, but also undertakes to maintain the integrity of these documents and analyze their authenticity and security.

How can I use technology in my Document Management? 

As we have seen, electronic document management has gained more and more strength in the market. This is because it makes the process much more agile, efficient, reduces the margin of errors and makes data exchange and research much more practical.  

A well-developed system turns a process that would otherwise require time and manual work into a fast, accurate and automated task.

After scanning and storing the documents, it is not necessary to analyze and look for wrong or expired documents, or worry about storage spaces. There is a system that already does all this for you!  

O BMS Integração it is a digital security system, without documentation failures, without overdue integrations and with absolute remote 100% control.  

It provides quick management, unifies documentation in blocks, standardizes across units and reduces auditing issues. In addition to enabling fast and effective communication! 

Invest in secure and automated Document Management with BMS Integração

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