Como a tecnologia ajuda nos processos industriais

How technology helps industrial processes


Discover why technology is essential for the development of industrial processes and why it brings new discoveries and innovations.

Technology has changed and still changes daily the way we see our reality, as well as helping us to evolve, in many different areas. In sectors such as medicine, science and communication, technological advances have been causing profound transformations, and industry could not be different.

In every industrial revolution there was a different technological element. Firstly, steam engines. In the second, large-scale productions and production lines. In the third, it was the turn of computers and electronic elements to make a difference. Today, with the advances of the internet and strong computational evolution, we are experiencing the so-called “4th Industrial Revolution”, or Industry 4.0.

Funcionária industrial feminina ensinando colega a operar máquina, apontando para o painel de controle, usando tablet. Vista lateral. Processo de produção ou conceito de maquinaria
Female industrial employee teaching colleague to operate machine, pointing at control board, using tablet. sideview. Production process or machinery concept

But what does it mean?

It means that from now on, the implementation of new technologies in the industry, mainly those related to the internet and software, will no longer be seen as a differential. From this new Revolution, this will be a necessity to survive the competition imposed by the market.

Large companies already use this type of tool, or at least are studying ways to incorporate them into their factory floor. On the other hand, those who still hesitate to accept this new reality tend to be swallowed up by their competitors, who are becoming what we call “Smart Factories”.

What are the practical advantages of technology in industrial processes?

The main role of technology within factories is to speed up processes, reduce production time, increase efficiency and, consequently, generate more profit. However, with tools and innovations such as: IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), Big Data Analysis, in addition to highly complex software, it is possible to go much further.

The benefits are countless. They range from automating tasks to remotely monitoring activities, as well as integrating machinery and systems. All of this simultaneously and controlled via the Internet. In this way, it is possible to connect each stage and each professional within a production line. This makes it easier to analyze results, manage employees and, most importantly, solve problems.

>> Read also: Understand what Enabling Technologies are

Engenheiros Industriais em Capacetes.Trabalhar na Fábrica de Fabricação da Indústria Pesada.trabalhador industrial dentro de casa na fábrica.homem idoso trabalhando em uma fábrica industrial.
Industrial Engineers in Hard Hats.Work at the Heavy Industry Manufacturing Factory.industrial worker indoors in factory.aged man working in an industrial factory.

How to implement this type of technology?

When we mention changes as significant as Industry 4.0 and go deeper, we realize that such a revolution does not happen quickly. As with large-scale market adaptations, this transformation requires time and extensive technical and practical knowledge, provided exclusively by specialists.

Therefore, in this context, companies completely specialized in the digital transformation applied to the industrial sector, as is the case of BMS Tecnologia, appear. With vast experience in the area and the leading startup status in software application on the factory floor in the country, the company offers a set of advanced solutions for the most diverse industry segments.

Serving customers from more than seven different countries and gaining more and more prominence throughout Latin America, the company grows quickly and solidly. For these and many other reasons, BMS seems to be on the right path to fulfilling its purpose: “Making the industry more efficient”.

>> Read also: The role of BMS Tecnologia in Industry 4.0

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