in times of technology, those who stumble along the way end up being left behind. No, it's not an exaggeration. Innovate and bring modernity into the industry is one of the main ways to optimize dozens of indicators and processes from the most diverse areas of production and shop floor.
With that, the word of the time is automation! Through industrial automation, many problems on the shop floor turned out to be easier to solve. Or better yet, some even stopped occurring thanks to the process control made possible by technology.
In Brazil, when the subject is automation, of course there are some difficulties and even resistance on the part of the entrepreneurs themselves. Another aggravating factor is the high cost of technology imports. Even so, despite the barriers faced, the industry 4.0/advanced manufacturing is showing more and more that it is here to stay.
With all this in mind, we've separated some reasons why you should invest in industrial technology without thinking twice. Check out:
cost reduction
Like almost everything good that we can find out there, innovation also involves costs. Which is normal, of course. In the case of industrial automation, at first the investment values may seem a little high, but that doesn't even compare to the gains achieved in the medium and long term, believe me!

Increase in productivity
in the question productivity the math is pretty simple. Less labor costs and more speed on the production line, reduction of maintenance expenses and machine stops equals a rise in productivity levels. In other words, what used to be manual and archaic is now carried out by the intelligence, precision and agility of machines.
Another reason that deserves mention and directly influences productivity is the automatic setups. When you travel, for example, you need to check a number of items in the car, right? Oil, gasoline, tire calibration, etc. This is also the case with an automated machine, everything is checked and configured even before the start of the production process, which guarantees more safety, quality and standardization of the products.
Here again is the old historical question of man X machines. Unlike conventional manual labor, a automated production line it requires less training, more effective use of the workforce, etc., which helps a lot in reducing costs, reducing employee burnout and, above all, once again in standardizing the quality of products.
Another issue is the preservation of the operators' health. Automation avoids an unhealthy work environment, the repetitiveness of activities and reduces risks and expenses with the worker. In addition, technology also helps to cause a really considerable drop in human error and material loss in production.
Easy installation
Many people think that automating a production line it is a long and time consuming process. It's a myth, make no mistake, as installation is as simple as thinking about what all this is capable of accomplishing for your industry. Systems tend to be very streamlined, easy to operate, and machines run smoothly side by side with employees.
>> Read also: The role of BMS Tecnologia in Industry 4.0